Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Beer Bread Revisited

Remember my post on the Oh-So-Good Beer Bread a while back? That was the first time I tried the recipe and I have to say it has become my staple ever since I discovered it, for many reasons:

1. It takes 3 minutes to prepare the batter and I am not exagerating! That's quicker than running out to the nearest boulangerie 200m down the road!

2. It is such a forgiving recipe that I could add whatever I fancy to it - dried fruits, nuts and seeds, ground almonds, whole wheat flour etc - and it will still turn out great. My personal favorite is to crowd it with raisins :0)

3. It is really yummy... with salted butter and jam, with cheese, or in a sandwich.

I have not bought another loaf of bread since!

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